Okay! We all have heard of math before. For those who don't know what math is, it's the short form of
Mathematics. Don't be pissed, I'm just taking all precautions. But, have you ever wondered how or where or who even invented the energy sucking thing called math? If you haven't, stick with me till the end. It will surprise you!
Dating back to the Ancient Greek, far back to 287BC, Archimedes was born. He's know as the father of mathematics. He lived between 287BC - 212BC {Even before Christ came}.
Syracuse, which is the Greek island of Sicily is where this ancient being was born. I don't know how they kept the record till date with no internet, honestly. Maybe their birth date was stored on a rock called "Birth Rock Certificate Placement". Who knows?! Back to our history class.
Archimedes was serving the King Hiero II of Syracuse by solving math problems and creating interesting innovations for the King and His mighty army. The notable inventions are as follows;
• Measurement of a circle
• Method of exhaustion ----I haven't heard of this
• Relationship between spheres and cylinders
• Uses of prime numbers
• Archimedes principle and many more.
Now let's talk about another notable mathematician, Sir Pythagoras. You have to respect that name. Ofcourse, everyone knows his theorem but nobody gave a sh*t about his history! Seriously!! Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Terrible!!!!
Besides that, why are all of them from Greece! Where are Africans! Well, Pythagoras was born in Samos in the year 569BC and died 475BC. Do that math. He was the first mathematician. He is an extremely important figure in the foundation of mathematics, yet, barely known.
Unlike many Greek mathematicians who wrote numbers of books, pythagoras didn't write any. However, there is evidence he founded a school in southern Italy known as Semi circle of pythagoras (now known as Crotone). It was half religious and half scientific, which followed a code of secrecy. Hmm, Fishy!!
However, the school was more than a school that studied intellectual disciplines, but also studied philosophy, mathematics and astronomy.
Surprisingly, Pythagoras was a vegetarian who consumed dried and condensed food and unleavened bread. Pythagoras was famously known for pythagoras theorem.
He was also know for;
• Five climatic zones
• Five regular solids
• Proportions
• Pythagoras tuning
• Sphericity of earth and others
Hmm, before i bore you with history class which I'm not a fan of. That's all for today.
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