How to calculate deviation, variance and standard deviation

Dispersion and variation Dispersion and variation are words that are used to describe the spread of values in a given set of data. Before you proceed, I recommend you check this post out, it's a prerequisite. Consider the set of examination marks of ten students in the  image below The marks are the same. They do not vary. No dispersion. Check the image below You can see that the marks are not the same. They vary. Their mean is 60. Some of the marks are greater than 60 while others are less. This set of marks has a greater variation or dispersion than those in table 1 Also, consider this table which shows a third set of marks of ten students. Although the mean is also 60. Don't know how to calculate mean? click here . However, it is clear that the marks are more varied than those in table 2. Thus, the marks here have a greater dispersion than the other marks. Let's talk about range. Range The range of a set of numbers is the difference between the ...

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Pelumi Adeyemo

Welcome to LearnMathsWithPelumi, your number one source for fun mathematics. I'm dedicated to providing you the knowledge and skills for maths in a much simpler way, founded in 2021 by Me.

Mathematics is just like a building with windows and doors. You can choose to enter from the door or window, infact jump inside from the roof. This means there's a lot of ways to solve a mathematical expression. I'll teach you the simplest method.
I also have the urge to get across to people and put a simper on their faces.

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Pelumi Adeyemo
